The VISA Models

Story Models YT icon

to influence audiences indirectly



Audiences love stories.  While my professional speaking career was primarily teaching of technical  seminars, the student evaluations always noted stories.  The hero's journey as detailed in The Hero with a Thousand faces, by Joseph Campbell, is my favorite story model.


Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey Model:

Opening (The Call):  A desire to adventure; e.g., "My boss called me into his office and said, "You're being laid off." What to do? My best friend said, "'Start your own business." 


Middle (Answer the Call): The adventure; e.g., "I did and for the next fifteen years I developed and delivered seminars on communications networks, mainly the Internet."


Closing (The Adventure Ends): "I retired, as did my wife, into our next adventure, volunteering."


Bill Gove's Story Model:

 Four Parts: This is who I was. This is what happened. This is what I did. This is who I am now.


Bob Murphey's Personal Story Construct

 Three Elements (in every good story): "Things that happened exactly that way. Things that happened almost that way. Things that could have happened that way."



When creating personal stories consider telling them in ways others may recognize as paralleling theirs, especially when relating personal experiences and people who have been influential.


Vignette | Instruction | Story | Activity | VISA Matrix


   © 1997-2022 Gordon Hill (1/2/22)