(Influence Directly)
The Premise,
Problem/Solution, Pay Off format as taught by Bill Gove.
Using it a speaker offers a personal point of view,
not as an absolute to be adopted without thinking, but for
thoughtful consideration.
(Inform Directly)
The basic teaching model
[Learning Goal, Moving from Known to Unknown, Assess] As
each audience brings a wide ranging knowledge to the room,
instruction seems better as a clarification of understanding.
(Influence Indirectly)
My preference is the Hero Journey model [The Call, The
Adventure, Hero's Return] popularized by Joseph Campbell.
It is
representative of many life challenges. It often the the key to
a signature story.
(Inform Indirectly
Learn by doing [Set a Goal, Group
Work, Report and Discuss Findings] may have started with
the first tool makers. While it seems easy,
facilitation is a challenge, and too seldom developed by