5-D Process

1. Defining a Program YT icon

It helps to know what you intend to achieve.


In journalism, cub reporters are taught to answer the 5W's and an H:

Who, What, When Where, Why & How.  It works for speakers, too. Here's one way to see it:


  Who is the audience?  Who am I to them?

  What's the setting?  What's the topic?

What's their expectation?   When is the program? 

When should I arrive?  When must I finish?

 Where is it?  Where will I take them?

  Why have they asked me?  Why have I accepted?

 How am I going to satisfy their expectations?


The effective speakers I know have program defining processes.  Many use a checklist to insure they have covered the essentials.  Mine is a form which prompts me to identify all I need to prepare. Create one that works for you. Write it in pencil. It will evolve.


For me, the essential is knowing: knowing the audience, knowing what they want me to achieve before, during and after, knowing when I am to finish and knowing where the nearest exit is in case I need to escape.


2. Design  |  3. Deliver  |  4. Debrief  |  5. Decompress


© 2016-22 Gordon Hill (1/1/22)