Every success begins with an assertion. My favorites are: “I am going to…” and I wonder what will happen if I…” Both have played important roles in my life. Another approach is having both mission and vision statements, goals to be achieved and pay offs. Convinced everything in the cosmos has a place and purpose, we humans enjoy bonuses, mainly cognition and choosing. Using these we seek success (the accomplishment of aims and purposes) through changing situations. As originals, we are called to identify, then actualize our[true]selves through actions and behaviors which flow from a healthy worldview. Success begins with a core premise, a statement of intention, which identifies what we see we are called to do, what we really want to achieve, while being the who we really want to be, behaving as who we are, both flowing from seeing ourselves, others and the rest of it as clearly as possible with a fundamental goal of being more helpful than not. Easy to say; hard to achieve as we change some with every outcome; therefore, success means adjusting premises as needed. A brief history: At thirteen I thought I would marry Carolyn and live happily ever after. It didn’t happen. At seventeen I wanted to marry Frances and live happily ever after. It happened, for more than sixty three years. Each, a failure and a success, was beneficial. Today, seventy years since Carolyn dumped me for the jerk I was, my premises change a little after each success and failure as I am commited to take whatevedr comes and make the best of it a core resolve, no matter what. I believe it’s more important to have clear premises than not lest we find ourselves adrift. Now in stage seven of living, advocacy, my focus is living as the original I keep becoming with a goal of encouraging others to actualize theirs with a single proviso: Being more helpful to self, others and the rest of it than not. Living as the original is my preference because an original is move valuable than a copy.
#2: Fundamentals | #3: Triad | #4: Questions | #5: Stages of Living | #6: The Process |
© 2019-2021 Gordon Hill (posted 8/6/21)