You did it once... now do it again... a little better.
Serious people are focus on their objectives every day. In his book, On writing, Stephen King revealed the key to becoming a better writer, "Write some every day and read some every day." Applied to speakers it becomes, "Speak some every day and listen to speakers every day.
It's that simple. We are speakers every time we say something to another, even when ordering fast food. Start thinking about what you want to say several times each day. Create a new line while waiting to order. This increased attention to speaking will boost your creativity.
Listen to speakers every day... good and otherwise... TED talks are fine for this. I subscribe several YouTube channels of professionals who post excellent material:
Jeanne Roberston | Patricia Fripp | Scott McKain
Encouragement: Work on your material a little every day. I tune mine in bits. A seven minute piece will have key thoughts, each one to be honed to a keen edge. Learn from singers who say their piece in a few minutes. |
(updated December 20, 2016)