Story Gordon   Segues & Stages

Segue 4: Answering a Call (≈39) YT icon

Our inner voice calls us to an adventure. Refusal is toxic.


For many, the first three stages are the biological, mental and vocational preparation leading to the realization that living an authentic life means making a life commitment. This means embracing one's wholeness to do what they are good at, to be who they really are, to see clearly how they can live their better both apart from and as a part of the greater whole. A check of those you admire may reveal they, too, realized their true path at forty years or so. It's the Arthurian equivalent of discovering the grail.


In my case, it was not a choice, it was thrust upon me. I was happy selling high tech custom modems to high end users and manufacturers when my tech support peer left for greener climes. Our boss looked for a replacement. Finding none, he picked me to fill the role, noting, "I don't think you can do it, but I can't find anyone else." (He was a true motivator.) We would try it for ninety days and if it didn't work I could return to sales. It not only worked, I had found my true grail, rather, it was a gift.


How about you? Has a better calling arrived? Did an inner voice say, "This is it!" Before you decided or after you changed? If so, you are blessed. If not, thnk about it. Ask those you trust, "What am I really good at?" That's where many find their grail.


Leading to Stage 4: Personal Maturity


 © 1997-2016 Gordon Hill as of October 29, 2016