Success is Simple

A Core Success Premise


success (n): The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. [OED]


We're on a quest, we seek success

To live our bliss, to feel the zest

That flows in life as our[true]self

Engaging what is on our shelf.


In my view every goal achieved is a success with our major successes the consequent outcome of countless smaller successes. Our quest for success begins when we first realize a significant failure (Mine was in 1951 when my first love dumped me for being a jerk. Not a winning success path.) then change our actions and behaviors to live successfully as the original we are and continue becoming.


The core premise for our success, when realized, will change continuously.


Today, now in my seventh stage of living, advocacy, as Story Gordon, Ambassador for Success, my current premise is doing what I really want to do while being who I really want to be with both flowing from a healthier worldview I am updating frequently. It's that simple and it's not easy.


Specifically, as a widower after a sixty-three year marriage to the person I wanted to be with more than any other, I am a grad student seeking an MA in English focused on becoming a better writer with a goal of encouraging others to live as the singularity they are and are becoming.


© 1997-2021 Gordon Hill (8/12/21)