It's been twenty years since my last chemo. In May 1995, I was tired. My vitals and blood were fine. Doc said it might be a low grade infection from working so hard, to take it easy for a while. It got worse. She took more blood and the results were alarming.
By July I had been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma, stage 3B. My oncologist assured me that if I was going to have cancer, Hodgkins was the one I wanted. I did not remember wanting a cancer. Thus began the first of fourteen alternating Chemo Tuesdays. On the non-chemo week I flew to exotic destinations New York, Chicago, Clarksburg, WVA to teach a multiday seminar on Internet technology. For me, this was what came next (I was fearful, but accepted it). My wife and family suffered most.
By April 1996, fourteen chemos under my belt (in my arm actually), I was declared NED No Evidence of Disease and moved on.
If this story makes the situation seem too casual, my apology, it's that I have had twenty years to return to normal (although my best friend would dispute I ever was).
If you have friend or family facing chemo, please support them fully, remembering that their caregivers who may be suffering most as they may feel helpless. |
© 1997-2016 Gordon Hill as of February 24, 2016