

The explainer's way to season what they say


About twenty five years ago, Rod Jurado dubbed me Handout Gordon because I always had one for every program.  (We did have fun in the Central Florida Chapter of NSA)  Yes, I love handouts, but use them wisely and give them to your audience only when they can be beneficial.


Since I do not know your program, I offer some of my favorites:


•  Business Card: Print your speaking focus on the back

•  Worksheets: With enough printing to follow, no more.

•  Evaluations: Especially for pro bono programs (your fee).

•  Evaluation Reward: A freebie for a completed evaluation.

•  Pre-Program: A take off on a theatre play program.

•  Half and Quarter Sheets: Kill them not with full pages.


Important Note:  Since an explainer's only goal is audience insight, he or she must use all available means to achieve same.  Since every member in an audience is one-of-a-kind, wide variety, not overdone, is an objective.



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(as of June 17, 2014)